Since 2019, my life-long friend, Paul Estabrooks, and I have been producing a short weekly radio program/podcast based on Scripture and my book with the same title. You can listen to Men Alive programs on Apple ITunes, Buzzsprout, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Podcasts, YouTube Music and wherever else you may listen to podcasts. You can listen to most of the programs right below. Also, go to our Publications Page to download any of the free document offers there.
My wife and I just listened to and thoroughly enjoyed your talk on welcoming persecution, a concept so foreign to us in this generation.
Your message [What is a COVID-19 Church?] was so informative and inspiring – it makes me see how important it is to have a home with a strong faith in God and sharing it with others.
I have listened to a number of your talks. Amazingly insightful. May God establish the work of your hands! I would appreciate very much if you could email me a pdf copy of your MEN ALIVE book.
I serve with [names a Bible Translation Organization] based in India. We are planning to prepare our staff for any Crisis, restrictions, persecution. Your SSTS book seems to be relevant for us. If possible please send it to us. Thanks
Men (and their families) will benefit from hearing your radio broadcasts. I wish there was a way to finance them to make them available in our region on [names two radio stations] or through a Christian podcast.
Just heard your broadcast on Marriage and would like a written copy of this presentation. I may be able to share it with teenage grandkids so they hear truth from outsiders as well as from all of us in the family.
Men Alive 232 – Holy SexualityMen Alive 231 – Why Are Some Men Angry At God?Men Alive 230 – Living With a Proverbs 31 WomanMen Alive 229 – Jesus Was A Peacemaker!Men Alive – 228 – Do Men Complain?Men Alive 227 – Before Marriage or RemarriageMen Alive 226 – Lessons From LotMen Alive 225 – Appropriate LaughterMen Alive 224 – The Greatest Day in HistoryMen Alive – Christmas SpecialMen Alive – Advent SpecialMen Alive 223 – Denying JesusMen Alive 222 – Where Would You Be Seated At The Last Supper?Men Alive 221 – Mending RelationshipsMen Alive 220 – The Uniqueness of Christianity Men Alive 219 – Preparing For Persecution (Andrew Brunson)Men Alive 218 – SELF-CONTROL-Who Is In Control?Men Alive 217 – GENTLENESS-Are You a Gentle-man?Men Alive 216 – FAITHFULNESS – Even Unto Death!Men Alive 215 – GOODNESS-Does Being Good Require Strength?Men Alive 214 – KINDNESS-Are Kind people winners?Men Alive 213 – PATIENCE-Give me Patience – Now!Men Alive 212 – PEACE-Waging PeaceMen Alive 211 – JOY-What is Intentional Joy?Men Alive 210 –LOVE-The Most Misunderstood VerbMen Alive 209 – Warnings From JudeMen Alive 208 –Job: Hope And Healing in TraumaMen Alive 207 –Life, Learning & RabbitsMen Alive 204 – Innocent Blood
Men Alive 203 – Responding to DeceiversMen Alive 202 – Becoming UnhitchedMen Alive 201 – Loss of a SpouseMen Alive 200 – Ask-Believe-WaitMen Alive 198 – Replacement TheologyMen Alive 196 – The Elephant In The RoomMen Alive 195 –God LaughsMen Alive 194 – RationalizingMen Alive 192 – Long term MarriagesMen Alive 189 – Finish StrongMen Alive 173 – Boys Need MenMen Alive 171 – A Gratitude VisitMen Alive 169 – Protecting the Christian FamilyMen Alive 167 – What If…JosephMen Alive 166 – Spiritual GrandfatheringMen Alive 165 – Daniel’s Character QualitiesMen Alive 161 – Life Without ElectricityMen Alive 160 – Will There Be Dogs In Heaven?Men Alive 155 – Stay Out of CourtMen Alive 151 – Fear-Guilt-ShameMen Alive – 149 – Are Men Like Sheep?Men Alive 145 – Does God Deal In Real Estate?Men Alive 144 – Do Men Have Idols?Men Alive 141 – Understanding MenMen Alive 139 – Do Men Gossip?Men Alive 137 – The Epidemic of AdulteryMen Alive 136 – Why Are Women Angry At Men?Men Alive 129 – Developing DiscernmentMen Alive 124 – PornographyMen Alive 121 – Father’s DayMEN Alive 117 – Guard Your HeartMen Alive 116 – Life lessons from SamsonMen Alive 114 – The Impact of StoriesMen Alive 111 – Live Not By LiesMen Alive 102 – Money Money Money!Men Alive 100 – Full of Grace and TruthMen Alive 94 – The Power of a Story!Men Alive 57 – Jim’s Faith JourneyMen Alive – Thanksgiving SpecialMen Alive – Holy Week SpecialMen Alive – Easter SpecialMen Alive – Christmas Special
MEN ALIVE – written originally in 1978! Revised and updated in 2018 – 40 years later. I feel almost like Caleb. He saw Hebron when the 12 spies entered the Promised Land. But alas, he was forced to wait 40 years before entering the Promised Land. Finally, Caleb gets Hebron when he was 85 years old (Judges 1:20).
Listen to an interview below with Pastor John Best (Willingdon Church) as we explore the text MEN ALIVE: Conforming to the image of Jesus Christ. John also includes a sample “Go Teach Global” dialogue with Paul Estabrooks (host). The 40-year-old story has an interesting ending!
Jim’s Interview at Willingdon Church
Go Teach Global
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I have followed Jim’s career here in Canada and his numerous travels overseas to teach adults as a Christian Adult Educator. Jim has a proven vision to teach adults across cultures to model their teaching after the character and methods of our Lord Jesus Christ. He has done this with personal warmth and academic proficiency. His current text is evidence of Jim’s ongoing contribution to his discipline of Adult Education to fulfill his 2 Timothy 2:2 discipling vision of training others to teach others.
John H. Redekop Ph.D. – Professor of Political Science, Wilfrid Laurier University (1968-1994) Professor Emeritus, Wilfrid Laurier University, Abbotsford, BC, Canada
Jim and I share divergent views from our religious heritage, he as a practicing Christian, and I as a semi-religious Israeli Jew. Jim has been a gracious international adult educator in his dialogues, respecting other learners’ worldviews and cultures. I regard him to be a gifted thinker, communicator and facilitator in the field of adult education.
Eitan Israeli Ph.D. – Professor of Adult Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel
“Men need help!” That’s the cry I hear in my role with Focus on the Family. For the past years Jim has been a mentor to me. I have seen his heart’s passion for helping men in all cultures be a biblical man. It is a treat to see an older brother take time to share biblical insights gained from his 50-year marriage to Rita, lessons gained as a lifelong learner and disciple of Jesus Christ.
Steve Wilson – VP Focus on the Family, Langley, BC, Canada
Men are missing in our culture. Women – wives, mothers and daughters – are giving the predominant leadership role in the home and church. Men need practical help and courage to graciously accept and lovingly fulfill their biblical roles. Dr. Jim’s book has given us biblical insights and an understandable framework for this to begin.
Peter Mathenge – Pastor, Nairobi, Kenya
Dr. Jim Cunningham and I have shared a 60-year+ friendship. As best man at his wedding to Rita (July 1, 1967), I can attest that Jim makes good decisions! He has spent his lifetime gaining insights on the 12 Primary Roles of a Man. I have witnessed his lifelong goal to “be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.” This has happened through good times and difficult personal defeats. He speaks from his heart. I recommend his ministry for any man wanting to fulfill his biblical roles.
Paul Estabrooks MA – Retired Speaker, Teacher, Author, Story Teller, London, Ontario, Canada
I call Dr. Jim my “Guru!” In Sanskrit terms, the word “Guru” means, mentor, guide, expert, and master. Simultaneously, it also connotes, “spiritual teacher, and leader.” Dr. Jim is all of the above to me. Our comraderies know no bounds and we have shared our times of tears and joys together in days gone by! But, after numerous shared teaching and learning times in Bhutan, India, Malaysia, and on social media, a higher title for Dr. Jim is my “Brother in Christ.”
Pastor Tandin Wangyal - D.Min. Thimphu, Bhutan